Step into the world of overlanding,
where endless exploration awaits you.
A journey across the globe with the family.

While it may seem like a dream, this lifestyle is a mix of exhilarating highs and daunting challenges.
Embracing self-responsibility becomes the cornerstone, as every decision rests solely on your shoulders.
There are no rules, no regulations —

just you, the open road and the adventure of a lifetime, a new way of life!

Amidst bureaucratic hurdles and occasional setbacks, the journey unfolds into a tapestry of diverse landscapes,
wildlife encounters and cultural immersion.
Yet, it‘s essential for us to remember the privilege of such an opportunity and the responsibility that
comes with it.

As travelers,
we become


sharing our experiences
and shaping our
of the world.

„The source of knowledge is experience“
– Albert Einstein –

Embarking on a global overland journey with the family was
initially fueled by a desire for freedom, adventure and
quality time, but evolved into a profound odyssey,
reshaping our views on life and our planet.

As we traversed over 4 continents and encountered diverse
cultures, landscapes and wildlife, we were confronted not
only with the beauty of our planet but also with its fragility.

While we were certainly aware of environmental and social
issues prior to our journey, our understanding deepened
significantly through our firsthand experiences, leading to a
profound realization of their impact.

Our travels became a testament to
the interconnectedness of humanity
and the environment,
challenging us to recognize the
urgency of collective action.

Aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen benötigt YouTube Ihre Einwilligung um geladen zu werden.

Our son Lennox, yet always drawn to the water ever since,
has developed a deep love for the oceans and it´s creatures
who live in it, during our global journey.

His passion for marine life, especially whales and dolphins,
has ignited a shared passion within us for to the marine

We firmly believe that the decisions made by the next
generation will shape the future of our planet and therefore,
it‘s crucial to introduce and teach conservation topics at a
younger age already.

As storytellers, we understand the
power of imagery to not only capture
moments of joy and entertainment, but
also serve to shed light on crucial
issues and fostering global awareness

Our dedication to the environment extends beyond admiring
its beauty and raising awareness about its delicate ecosystem.
We‘re actively developing concrete projects to support it.

We are dedicated in supporting environmental
causes through our craft, while also nurturing a
conscious mindset in our son.

Together, we‘re shifting away from conventional
economic systems to embrace a deeper
connection with nature.

Committed to living independently and sustainably,
we strive to maintain a carbon footprint that
remains within the limits of what one planet can

In our endeavor to establish partnerships with NGOs,
researchers and brands committed to sustainability,
we are actively exploring potential collaborations.

We will set aside a percentage of our income to
support the essential conservation efforts of
marine-related organizations.

Here is a list of the organizations we are evaluating,
all of which are dedicated to ocean conservation efforts.

Through storytelling, our mission is clear:
to ignite a passion for protecting our precious planet and inspire positive
change on a global scale, also for a younger generation.

Let´s get our heads together!

Get in touch and
start creating meaningful stories